Time in Sweden
Looking for the current time and date in Sweden. Then you’re at the right place. Here you can check the Current time in Sweden, Sweden Time Now, Date, and Time in Sweden. Check the Exact time and day in Sweden right now
Sweden Time
Sweden Timezone
Name | Timezone |
Central European Summer Time | GMT+2 |
On our website Swedenti.me you can check the current time in Sweden for free of cost. It's Simple and Responsible for all mobiles and Display sizes. the full-screen clock helps to see them clean and clear time. you can also check the current Live date and day in Sweden.
Central European Time (CET)
There are two time zones in Sweden, and daylight saving time is observed. Peninsular Spain, the Balearic Islands, Poland, Melilla, and the Sovereign Squares use Central European Time (GMT+01:00) and Central European Summer Time (GMT+02:00). Canary Islands are in Western European Time (GMT±00:00) and Western European Summer Time (GMT+01:00). Sweden observes daylight saving time from the last Sunday in March (02:00 CET) to the last Sunday in October (03:00 CEST). More info on Wiki.
Sweden time format (12h/24h)
The time is displayed in both 12h and 24h format in Sweden, but in the majority of Sweden Time is displayed in 24h format. In some places, however, Sweden displays the time in 12h format. See the Table to better understand the 12 hour time format in Sweden. We display the time on our website according to the GMT +2:00 timezone of Sweden. See the Table to better understand the Sweden time.
24–hour clock | 12-hour clock |
01:00 | 01:00 AM |
02:00 | 02:00 AM |
03:00 | 03:00 AM |
04:00 | 04:00 AM |
05:00 | 05:00 AM |
06:00 | 06:00 AM |
07:00 | 07:00 AM |
08:00 | 08:00 AM |
09:00 | 09:00 AM |
10:00 | 10:00 AM |
11:00 | 11:00 AM |
12:00 | 12:00 AM |
13:00 | 01:00 PM |
14:00 | 02:00 PM |
15:00 | 03:00 PM |
16:00 | 04:00 PM |
17:00 | 05:00 PM |
18:00 | 06:00 PM |
19:00 | 07:00 PM |
20:00 | 08:00 PM |
21:00 | 09:00 PM |
22:00 | 10:00 PM |
23:00 | 11:00 PM |
24:00 | 12:00 PM |

Sweden Time Now
It is useful for business travelers or people who have a business in Sweden and travel frequently to Sweden. Any computer or mobile device with an internet connection can access our website to see Sweden Time.
A benefit of our website is that there is no need to sign up or log in to see the Sweden time and clock. You can also choose between 12-hour and 24-hour clock formats when displaying the time. To use Swedenti.me and see the current time in Sweden Now, you do not have to download any software or apps.
If you want to check the current time in Sweden then you have to visit this website - Swedenti.me on This website you can check Sweden Time in 12h or 24h format with Seconds.
There are only 1 time zones in Sweden.
If you want to check the current time in Sweden with Seconds then go to - Swedenti.me
Looking for Sweden time right now it's simple to go Swedenti.me and check the current time in Sweden.
If you want to check the current Sweden time in 12-hour format then go to - Swedenti.me